Kemalasan melanda time bulan posa ni. Yeayyy! Dah dapat makan ayam percik, jala mas, buah tanjung, nasik kaya. Tau tak ni kuih kat mana? Gigih aku pegi balik weekend aritu semata-mata nak makan tau! Sorilah, gambar takde. Bulan posa tahun ni kurang sungguh entry makanan dari aku. Maybe sebab tak cukup bajet nak pegi makan buffet. Takpelah, bersederhana itu adalah penting. Tak gitu Ustazah Siti Nur Bahyah?
Papepun, jom aku sambung cerita Sydney aku untuk hari ke-3. Kalo datang ke Sydney, memang tak sah kalo tak pegi skali ke Blue Mountain. Haaa...ape yang best kat sini? Macam ala-ala taman negara tapi sangat besar! Yang paling femes kat sini tentulah Three Sisters. Kembar ke? sendiri.
Penginapan aku ketika di Sydney. Ini bukan Malaysia Hall Sydney tau!!! |
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Suasana dalam Central Station |
Aku cancelkan booking kat sini, tapi sesuatu telah berlaku....huhuhu. |
Atas Harbour Bridge, menuju ke??? |
Ni sedikit sebanyak info untuk korang baca okies...
The Blue Mountains is a mountainous region in New South Wales, Australia. It borders on Sydney's metropolitan area, its foothills starting approximately 50 kilometres (31 mi) west of the state capital. The area begins on the west side of the Nepean River and extends westward as far as Coxs River. Geologically, it is situated in the central parts of the Sydney basin. Consisting mainly of a sandstone plateau, the area is dissected by gorges up to 760 metres (2,490 ft) deep. The highest point of the range is Mount Werong at 1,215 metres (3,986 ft) above sea level. A large part of the Blue Mountains is incorporated into the Greater Blue Mountains Area World Heritage Site, consisting of seven national park areas and a conservation reserve.
Untuk sambungan boleh klik SINI
Macam mana nak pegi ke Blue Mountain dengan pelbagai cara? Ada yang murah...ada yang mahal. Untuk aku, tentulah aku pilih yang paling murah! Hahah walaupun ada orang kata aku travel mahal. Boleh? Takpelah...lain orang, lain cara masing-masing. Meh sini aku bagitau cara nak pegi ke Blue Mountain. InsyaALLAH, aku kasik sedetail yang mungkin!
Mula-mula korang pegi Central Station untuk naik cityrail tapi mesti naik Blue Mountain Line. Perjalanan agak lama lebih kurang kira-kira 1 jam 30 minit hingga ke 2 jam dalam train tu. Tapi jangan risau, train dorang tak crowded plus selesa sangat! Btw, aku guna MyMulti3 tu tau...memang pass ni cover sampai ke Blue Mountain. Berbaloi-baloi. Then, korang turun kat Katoomba Station. Keluar je dari station tu, akan nampak kaunter Hop On Hop Off. Kat sini kalo korang nak tour guide untuk jalan-jalan bolehla beli tiket dengan dorang yang berharga AUD38/pax. Kalo korang nak guna TrolleyBus kene bayar AUD25/pax. Bas ni pun agak bawak pusing-pusing attraction yang menarik kat Blue Mountain ni. Tapi bas dia jenis klasik, so agak menarik di situ.
Tapi, kalo nak lagi murah dengan hanya guna MyMulti3 tu, korang boleh opt untuk naik normal bas je yang bernombor 686. Bas ni kaler putih. Normal bas, aku perasan most of tourist naik bas ni, maybe nak save budget macam aku gak. Kuikuikui. Macam mana nak naik bas ni? Dari station train tu, korang lintas jalan then jalan menuju ke Carrington Hotel. Ade bus stand kat betol-betol hotel tu. Siap skali dengan jadual bas. Bas ada setiap 30minit. Just tunjuk pass MyMulti3 tu, naik bas je. Bas ni memang lalu setiap tourist attraction yang ada kat Blue Mountain ni. Bas ni akan stop kat Chocolate Factory, Echo Point, Scenic World dan patah balik. Kekerapan ialah 30minit. So, korang boleh bajet time korang nak duk melepak sampai pukul brape.
Destinasi pertama yang aku terjah ialah Echo Point. Ade ape kat sini? Kat sinilah terletaknya Three Sisters. Ada sejarah yang tersendiri pasal dorang ni. Menurut cerita orang zaman-zaman dulu. Meh aku copy paste sedikit sebanyak info dan gambar-gambar yang sempat aku snapped.
The Three Sisters is the Blue Mountains’ most spectacular landmark. Located at Echo Point Katoomba, around 2.5 kilometres from the Great Western Highway, this iconic visitor attraction is experienced by millions of people each year.
The Three Sisters is essentially an unusual rock formation representing three sisters who according to Aboriginal legend were turned to stone. The character of the Three Sisters changes throughout the day and throughout the seasons as the sunlight brings out the magnificent colours. The Three Sisters is also floodlit until around 11pm each evening looking simply spectacular set against the black background of the night sky.
Each of the Three Sisters stand at 922, 918 & 906 metres tall, respectively. That's over 3000 feet above sea level! The Legend The Aboriginal dream-time legend has it that three sisters, 'Meehni', 'Wimlah' and Gunnedoo' lived in the Jamison Valley as members of the Katoomba tribe.
These beautiful young ladies had fallen in love with three brothers from the Nepean tribe, yet tribal law forbade them to marry. The brothers were not happy to accept this law and so decided to use force to capture the three sisters causing a major tribal battle.
As the lives of the three sisters were seriously in danger, a witchdoctor from the Katoomba tribe took it upon himself to turn the three sisters into stone to protect them from any harm. While he had intended to reverse the spell when the battle was over, the witchdoctor himself was killed. As only he could reverse the spell to return the ladies to their former beauty, the sisters remain in their magnificent rock formation as a reminder of this battle for generations to come.
Mount Gibraltar |
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Kawasan kat Echo Point |
Ni adalah Three Sisters versi orang hidup bersama adik-beradik mereka. |
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Ni pulak trek yang menuju ke Three Sisters Walk dan jugak terdapat Giant Stairway untuk berjalan sendiri diatas badan Three Sisters. Mengambil masa kira-kira 15 minit berjalan kaki. Worth to try! |
Dah sampai. Tapi nampak Sister yang pertama je. Yang kedua dan ketiga terlindung dek Yang pertama |
Dah sudah jalan-jalan ke Three Sisters Walk tu, kami tak pegilah naik sampai ke Giant Stairway tu. Hanya mereka yang kuat urat lutut je boleh terjah sebabnya memang curam abeslah tangganya! Kecut perut tengok. Lagipun, perut ni asyik duk bunyi-bunyi jek tanda kelaparan yang amat. Dah sampai balik ke kawasan lapang Echo Point, duk lepak situ sekejap untuk menikmati roti tuna. Alhamdulillah...buat alas perut katanya. Sempat singgah gift shop beli fridge magnets. Cuaca harini tersangatlah baikkk...memang aku cuak gak sebabnya Abg Im bagitau kalo pegi Blue Mountain time winter, kebarangkalian nak nampak Three Sisters adalag tipis sebabnya kabus duk lindung. Rugi jela nanti. Yela, 2 jam perjalanan beb. Dah siap-siap makan tu, ternampak pulak bas no. 686 tu lalu, tak lepaskan peluang untuk naik bas tu untuk ke Scenic World pulak! Kang terlepas bas, alamatnya kene tunggu lagi 30minit. Tak ke bosan? Hari semakin pendek.
Tak lama lepas tu, sampai la pulak kat stesen kereta kabel untuk ke Scenic World. Kalo korang taknak turun kat sini, boleh turun di hentian yang seterusnya. Tapi since aku dan kawan aku nak try naik kereta kabel ni, terus turun sini. Dari kereta kabel ni, boleh nampak Wentworth Waterfalls kat bawah tu, memang cantikk! Kedalaman tebing ni pulak boleh melepasi ketinggian Eiffel Tower sebanyak 2 kali! Kalo jatuh ni, confirm tak jumpa carik.
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Stesen kereta kabel kat Scenic World. Naik dulu nanti bila sampai kene beli tiket |
Sedikit info mengenai Scenic Skyway:
Bila dah sampai ke seberang, aku beli tiket combo untuk try Scenic Railway, Scenic Cabelway, Scenic Walkway dan jugak yang aku try tadi yakni Scenic Skyway dengan harga AUD28/pax. Agak mahal jugak tapi demi niat untuk try nanti balik ralat aku beli jugak.
Kat situ kami try dulu Scenic Railway. Macam taktau rupanya macam mana, just naik dulu. Time ni dorang tengah buat renovation. Katanya nak upgrade supaya lagi best tapi railway ni tetap berjalan seperti biasa. Tak terjejas sangat pun. Tapi agak scary time nak turun tu. Jom aku cerita sedikit info mengenai Scenic Railway.
Ride the steepest incline railway in the world down to a lush and hidden valley! The 415 metre descent will lead you through a cliff-side tunnel into ancient rainforest. From there you are free to explore the Scenic Walkway which will guide you through the forest to the Scenic Cableway platform. The Scenic Railway can carry up to 84 passengers and operates every 10 minutes.
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Pengalaman naik Scenic Railway ni paling besttt!!! tak terucap dek kata-kata. Harus dicuba! |
Tengok kat tepi tu dorang tengah buat renovasi. Scary skit gamaknya kalo terjatuh kat situ. Terus macam cerita Lurah Dendam |
Then, sebab nak menuju ke Scenic Cabelway, kita kene lalu dulu Scenic Walkway. Haaa...ape ada kat sini? Meh aku copy paste info.
Discover over two kilometres of boardwalk through the rainforest, including 380 metres of wheel chair accessible boardwalk. Take the time to look around and find some fascinating facts about the local flora and history of the valley. Along the way you will also find the Marrangaroo Spring where you can have a refreshing drink of pure Blue Mountains water. Take a break in the Rainforest Room deep within the valley, boasting bench seating for up to 110 people.
Gambar kat bawah ni pulak time tengah naik Scenic Cabelway. Jom aku copy paste cerita dari internet ok!
The steepest aerial cable car in Australia takes you on a 545 metre ride into (or out of) the World Heritage Listed rainforest of the Jamison Valley. Once at the bottom, experience the 300 metre Scenic Walkway on your way to the base of the Scenic Railway. The Scenic Cableway can carry up to 84 passengers and is completely wheelchair accessible.
Wentworth Waterfall |
Dah setel naik kereta kabel dan sume-sume tu, tunggu bas balik untuk ke Katoomba Train Station untuk pulang ke Sydney. Hari semakin petang dah ni. Perjalanan masih lagi jauh. Sejuk tu toksah kata laa...rasa macam nak beku dah ni jari-jemari aku! Tambah pulak dengan angin bertiup agak kencang. Nasib baik dah beli fridge magnets siap-siap kat giftshop sebabnya kat area pekan sume kedai dah tutup jam 3 petang! Giler awal okehhhh!!!
Dah sampai ke Central Station. Time ni jam lebih kurang 7 malam. Gelap sungguh dah ni. Plus, malam ni ade hari terakhir konsert Lady Gaga live in Sydney. Sempat tengok beberapa peminat fanatik yang berpakaian seperti makcik Gaga. Tak sempat nak snap gambar pulak. Malam tu, terserempak pulak dengan blogger Masviona. Haaa...korang mesti kenal dorang kan. Femes tu...katanya honeymoon di Sydney. Terima kasih sekali lagi sebab sudi tolong aku dan kawan-kawan direction ke Malaysia Hall Sydney. Malam tu dinner di rumah seorang Malaysian yang amek master kat sana. Alhamdulillah....gulai lemak uols! Kenyang!
Till then, wasalam...