Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Alhamdulillah....another year for me

Selamat tengah hari korang semua!!!

Dah balik kampung ke? Aku still lagi tengah busy bekerja...harap-harap dapatlah cuti Jumaat nanti. Kalo balik Sabtu confirm sesak giler jalan raya balik kelate. Diberitakan lebih sejuta rakyat kelate akan pulang beraya!!! Perghhhh....confirm2 laaa more than 8 hours aku kat tengah jalan nanti. Ramai sungguh ore kelate kat key-ell nih! Hebat kan? Hahaha... *PEACE*

Arini takde cerita pasal travel, makanan dan sebagainya. Just rajin nak menulis walaupun keje berlambak kat depan aku. Nama pun lunch hour, let's take break everybody! Actually, aku tak suka sangat nak tulis pasal diri sendiri sebabnya...not every single thing of our life we need to tell others. Some other things we need to keep it by ourselves. Even any achievement walaupun kecik atau besar, masalah kecik atau besar...especially problem aku. Aku tak suka sangat bercerita tentang masalah. Reason is do people care about us? Aku penah terbaca kat internet, Only 20% who heard about our problem will care about it and the rest, 80% just heard it and forget it. It didn't bother them at, why bother to tell them. It is true that some of them might help you. But until what stage they will help you? I would rather endure that problem by myself and let the problem solve by itself......smooth and steady. But, it might sounds quite selfish. But, I'm being realistic.

Today, dah cukup 23 tahun aku hidup di bumi Allah S.W.T. Aku bersyukur every single thing that I have now. Apa yang aku inginkan Alhamdulillah...aku dapat walaupun lambat dengan kene menunggu. It's good coz it will teach us to appreciate it. Kalo asyik terpikir nak apa dan terus dapat, we tend to  ungrateful and greedy. At this moment, what I want just a happy life, be healthy, a good son and be able to enjoy my life to the fullest and not to forget to fullfill my dreams which is travelling. Sekarang ni tak terpikir lagi nak ade makwe or girlfriend sebab tak nak terikat. Better enjoy puas-puas untuk diri sendiri dulu dan jugak dengan kawan-kawan which i treasured the most bila duk sendiri nih. I'm still young! Hahahha....

Aku ada banyak impian yang belum tercapai. Harap-harap aku dapat kecapi satu hari nanti. When we young, we always have the dream to fly high , we wish to achieve highest and the best because we still young!

Till then, bye!  

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  1. huaaaaa ramainya org nak balik hr jumaat! aku rasa jumaat tu pon mesti jem bro..apa2 pon semoga selamat semuanya!

  2. i envy people like you that can write anything then find a perfect pics to go along with.... sebab tuh i bukan jouirnalist kan... tak pandai menulis langsuang.

  3. and thats the reason aku tak penah tulis psl personal except raya entry tu. itupun tak personal mana, general. aku kdg2 tak paham jgk org yg cerita laki dia watpe, gaduh pakwe makwe, cerita kat ofis..erm...mcm...sume org ada je kot mslh yg sama. unless klu dia ghost writer tu lainla org pun tak tau muka dia, gmbr family sume2..tul tak?

    anyway, have a safe trip, drive carefully & have a blessed raya :)

  4. Happy birthday Bdk2..muda lagi ko ye... Selamat Hari Raya jugak..selamat balik kelate

  5. @Janggel,
    tu ar...aku rse jumaat mesti jem jugak. papehal bro, drive carefully jugak. Selamat Hari Raya bro...

    @Lily Riani,
    Hahaha...thanks btw. I pun tak reti sgt nk menulis pnjg2. i prefer bercakap lagi dari menulis. Dapat mengexpresikan diri dgn lebih mendalam...Hihihi...menulis ni mcm kene bwt slalu. Practice makes perfect.

    Hahaha...yang tu no komen fatt. mybe they have their own reason to express their feeling. Tp tak perlu semua bnda nk kongsi... ^_^

    Selamat Hari Raya Fatt! Have a blissful Syawal.

    Thankss hana! Hahaha...ko fhm rupenye entry ni. Ko org ke2 yang fhm. Selamat Hari Raya! Maaf Zahir Batin ye.. ^_^

  6. young at heart, forever.


    salam eid mubarak!

  7. eid mubaraq. safe travel & tercapai segala impian. cheers.
