Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Suggested Itinerary to New Zealand 8D7N

Good day everyone!

Arini mood rajin nak update blog. Tapi takde benda sangat. Cuma nak share berkaitan itinerary untuk mereka yang teringin atau mungkin ke New Zealand tak lama lagi. Especially, South Island. North Island aku penah sampai ke Auckland je. Bahagian-bahagian lain belum berkesempatan lagi. InsyaALLAH one day sampai jugak aku. 

Ayuh aku coretkan berkaitan itinerary. Ni adalah berdasarkan plan dan pengalaman aku sendiri. Ada certain things might be different. Feel free to adjust according to your own plan.

Day 1
  • Let's say, flight korang sampai ke Christchurch adalah waktu pagi (6AM local time).
  • Refresh yourself at the airport and pick-up the car rental.
  • Proceed your journey to Akaroa (2 hours / 92km) from Christchurch.
  • Lunch and sightseeing around Akaroa. Approx. 3 hours. 
  • Back to Christchurch. Stop at Pak'n'Save for groceries/Halal butcher (Guide -> Link )
  • Overnight in Christchurch.
Useful info: Kalau nak beli ayam/daging halal, beli siap kat Christchurch. Beli terus stok untuk 2-3 hari. Sama jugak dengan groceries lain. Kat Pak'n'Save, ayam halal adalah berlabel jenama "Brinks". Kat Akaroa takde restoran halal, cuma ada kedai fish and chips and other coffee shops.

Day 2
  • Start fresh! Have a very good breakfast and prepare your lunch straightaway.
  • Proceed your journey to Lake Tekapo (3 hours / 229km).
  • Just enjoy the view along the way there.
  • Lunch by the Lake Tekapo. Church of the Good Sherperd.
  • Kalau ada masa, boleh terus ke Hooker Valley untuk tengok Mt.Cook (106km). Ada walking trail 3 jam (return) kalau berminat nak buat. Takpun boleh drive ke Lake Pukaki. Tak jauh dari situ.
  • Check-in in Lake Tekapo and at night, u guys can do stargaving by the lake.
Useful info: The best season would be early summer as you can see the beautiful lupins around the lake. But, the cons during early summer would be rainy season as well as peak season for them. Personally for me, it would be spring! Untuk Hooker Valley, kalau ada masa dan sukakan nature boleh buat. Menarik!

Day 3
  • Journey to Wanaka (2.5 hours / 70km). The route would be via Cordrona or Cromwell.
  • Sightseeing around Wanaka and Lake Wanaka. 
  • Don't forget "The Lonely Tree". The iconic tree of Wanaka.
  • Free and easy activities. i.e: Puzzling World if interested.
  • Overnight in Wanaka.
Useful info: Route via Cordrona (ski area/atas gunung) ataupun Cromwell (kawasan pertanian). Boleh pilih sendiri nak lalu yang mana. Ikut minat masing-masing. Kalau lalu Cordrona masa musim sejuk, check dulu samada perlu guna tyre-chain tak kat kereta takut licin. 

Day 4
  • Journey to Queenstown (2 hours / 70km)
  • Along the way, can make a pitstop at Arrowtown and Karawau Bridge.
  • Picnic by the beautiful Lake Wakatipu, Queenstown facing the gorgeous The Remarkables.
  • Check-in and refresh yourself (2 nights or 3 nights are suggested).
  • Optional activities to do in Queenstown (Gondola Skyline, skydiving, bungee jumping, $1 million cruise, shotover jet, shopping!)
  • Top-up your groceries at FreshChoice Supermarket. Ada jual ayam halal jenama "Brinks".
Useful info: Dekat Queenstown, just enjoy the experience. Tak perlu rushing nak buat itu ini. At this point, just relax and recharge your energy from the roadtripping. Untuk aktiviti, please check with the provider and ask for their suggestions. Parking kat dalam town, agak susah dan mahal. So, plan your time. 

Day 5
  • Fresh start. Free and easy activities. 
  • Another option is proceed to Glenorchy (1 hour drive) from Queenstown. 
  • Bring your lunch as well! Beautiful sceneries are waiting for you at Glenorchy as it was part of The Lord of the Ring shooting locations. 
  • Back to Queenstown.
Day 6
  • Start your journey as early as possible to Milford Sound (5 hours / 300km).
  • Milford Sound Cruise and Mirror Lake
  • Back to Te Anau to overnight.
Useful info: This would be quite a long journey. Please plan ahead your time for the cruise. They have a several slots per day. If you think you cannot make it, just do it on the next day. Please fill up your tank at Te Anau, before you proceed to Milford Sound. 

Day 7
  • Journey to Dunedin (3.5 hours / 290km).
  • Check-in in Dunedin.
  • Free and easy for sightseeing. Example: Tunnel Beach, Baldwin Street, Dunedin Railway Station and Cadbury World.
  • Can do some groceries shopping at Pak'n'Save.
Useful info: Ada restoran halal di Dunedin. Kalau dah bosan masak, boleh la datang makan kat situ. Nama kedai tu KL Aroma Restaurant and Cafe. Boleh google nanti.

Day 8
  • Journey back to Christchurch. (the longest journey ever for a day!)
  • Stop by at the Moeraki Boulders and Elephant Rocks along the way. 
  • Check-in at Christchurch or fly back to Malaysia.
Useful info: Hari last ni memang paling jauh. Kalau rasa taknak pegi singgah ke Elephant Rocks pun takpe. Atleast pegi ke Moeraki Boulders. The journey would be more than 6 hours to reach Christchurch. 

Till then.


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  1. John;

    Thanks for sharing ... tapi tak tau ler bila agaknya masa dan tikanya nak ke sana .... hehehehhee

    1. kat Kanada sana pun cantik yg amat! ;) hrp dpt jejak kaki ke sana juga..

  2. waaahhh! finally u update your blog.. ahniah John. hahaha..

  3. Thanks for sharing, aku nak ke NZ minggu depan, so boleh la aku guna itenery yang ko share ni sebagai guide

  4. rindu gile dengan cerita travel you... buatlah comeback ! ^_^

  5. Ya Allah...lawa2....
    insyaAllah boleh guna kalau plan pegi sana...
    terima kasih.... ;)

  6. en john. korang pergi ni bulan berapa?

    1. pegi mid august and mid november tahun lepas.

  7. Wah bolehlah guna itinerary John ni bila berpeluang ke NZ nanti...

  8. Salam...boleh suggest motel/guest house utk kami bermalam di setiap overnight spot dlm itinerary ni...plan nk pergi bertiga(suami isteri dan anak 7 tahun) end of nov ni

  9. Seronoknya bro pergi new zealand.haritu ada pergi jugak dengan Kembara Sufi. Kembara Sufi bawak kitorang semua jalan jalan tempat best and makan pun makanan halal. sedap pulak tu. Tengok website Kembara Sufi, sebab diorang ada banyak package yang murah.

